September 20, 2024

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Germany: Couple charged with murder of two Ukrainian women, kidnapping child (video)

The German prosecutor's office in Mannheim accuses the couple of murdering a young Ukrainian refugee and her mother in order to kidnap the baby.

FAZ Edition tellsthat, according to the prosecution, the 43-year-old husband and 44-year-old wife planned and carried out the murder of a 27-year-old Ukrainian woman who had given birth to a child, and her mother, in order to take the baby for themselves.

Their citizenship has not been disclosed, but earlier reports mentioned that the suspects were a Russian woman and a German man. The motives for the crime are believed to be the couple's unfulfilled desire to have children. Our publication told in detail about this case.

The crime, as the investigation established, had been in preparation since the spring of 2023. The plan was to kidnap a newborn child and pass it off as their own.

In January 2024, the accused, through a Telegram channel for helping Ukrainians with temporary protection in Germany, contacted a young pregnant Ukrainian woman who was preparing to give birth. When the child was born in February, the criminals decided to kill the mother and grandmother. When they met in a restaurant on March 6, they slipped a sedative to both of them. The older woman felt ill, and under this pretext, the mother and daughter were put in a car to “take her to the hospital.”

During the crime, according to investigators, the man first killed the newborn's 51-year-old grandmother on the shore of a lake with blows to the head and threw the body into the water. After that, in another place, he also dealt with a young Ukrainian woman and set the body on fire. Then the couple returned home with the kidnapped girl.

The body of a Ukrainian woman was found on the banks of the Rhine several days after the family disappeared from the refugee hostel where they were staying and was later discovered mother's bodyThe newborn girl was found healthy and unharmed.

The couple are accused of jointly committing murder on two occasions and kidnapping a minor child.

The victims were Marina and Margarita Stetsenko. Marina's body was discovered on March 20 after a two-week search. Investigators found it on the shore of a lake near Hockenheim. The search operation began after police discovered the body of her daughter Margarita on the banks of the Rhine in Hockenheim on March 7, showing signs of violent death, and learned of the abduction of her newborn granddaughter.

The mother, grandmother and child had been living in a refugee centre in the Rhine-Neckar district after they had fled war in Ukraine to Germany. Police arrested the couple on March 13 after investigators found the child unharmed.

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