September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Women who wear short skirts to work are more likely to get promoted

Every woman has her own style of dress at work, depending on her age, occupation and tastes. A new study by British scientists shows that women who wear short skirts at work are more likely to get a promotion.

Researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK asked 24 women to dress up business event serious or sexyThey then showed their photos to 500 men and women, who were asked to guess what their job title was.

Study leader Fabio Fasoli and his colleagues found that Women who wore short skirts were more likely to get a promotion at workAt the same time, the study showed that those who wore short skirts, were perceived as less capable than they actually were. Conversely, those who wore jackets and trousers were automatically considered to be of higher status.

In short, the study showed that there is biased opinion regarding the sexiest outfit for work.

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