September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek village seeks families to keep schools open by providing housing and jobs for new arrivals

The demographic problem in our country is developing as one of the most important, and its solution is more necessary than ever. The Prime Minister is expected to announce the relevant measures at the International Exhibition in Thessaloniki (Διεθνή Εκθεση Θεσσαλονίκης).

The result of this problem is suspension of work of hundreds of schools across the countryAccording to a bulletin published by the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports, 152 school units to suspend operations due to lack of students.

Faced with the phenomenon of “school closures” and the demographic problem, the village Fourna in Eurytania (Φουρνά της Ευρυτανίας) decided to invite families with children who would like to move to the village and enroll their children in school.


Under the leadership of the village priest, Father Constantinos Dousikos, and the educator Panagiota Diamanti, under the auspices of the Holy Metropolis of Karpenisi and with the cooperation of the local government and the Municipality of Karpenisi, through the Municipal Councilor Constantinos Burgou, they sent an invitation to families with children who wish to move to the village of Fourna, providing them with housing and support.

The photograph of a village with stone houses rising above the forest was accompanied by the following text: “Families are needed in the village of Evrytania, located near Karpenisi. The local authorities are looking for one (or more) families with children who want to move to the village and enroll their children in schools. The village has a kindergarten, primary, middle and high school, it is 40 km from Karpenisi. A free house and a job are provided (at least for the husband), which means help for the first time. If you know a family in need, please contact me for more information. The village is located in Evrytania, 50 minutes from Karpenisi and an hour and a half drive from Lamia and Karditsa“.

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