September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

First successful heart and lung transplant in Greece

Greek Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis announced the first successful heart and lung transplant in Greece, writing on social media:

As the minister reported, the operation at Sotiria Hospital was performed on a 52-year-old patient, and the donor was a 49-year-old woman:

“With multiple episodes of haemoptysis, the patient was treated in the emergency medical system of the hospitals of Thessaly and Attikon, the woman was under long-term observation and specialized interventional treatment in Attikon.”

The Minister noted, quotes CNN Greece:

“At Sotiria Hospital, the donor care was exemplary and finally the heart and lung transplant teams, in collaboration with the anesthesiology team at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, achieved what would have been considered impossible in Greek healthcare five years ago.”

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