September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Tragedy in Smyrna: Father deals with three young children

A 45-year-old father killed three of his four children and then attempted suicide.

An unthinkable tragedy occurred on August 27 in Turkey, in the Bornova district of Izmir. The man, Turkish media write, shot the children and then attempted to commit suicide due to psychological problems after a divorce from his wife.

CNN Greece Edition tells details of the tragic incident. The man told his children on Tuesday morning that he would take them to their mother, but instead took them to an olive grove near the area where they lived. There, he pulled out a gun and began shooting the children, who fell dead to the ground, covered in blood.

Only his 11-year-old daughter managed to escape and ran away wounded, informing her relatives about the brutal crime. The man tried to commit suicide with the same gun, but was only seriously wounded. Currently, both the girl who managed to escape and the criminal are in hospital.

The police officers who arrived at the scene of the family tragedy saw a terrible picture: three children lying dead, the youngest girl was only two years old.

Relatives told Turkish media that the criminal was suffering from depression after his wife filed for divorce, and some time ago he told her that she would soon hear something very important.

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