September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: Extortion of mother and son for an amount exceeding 130,000 euros

ELA filed a case against a 36-year-old man and three of his accomplices in Thessaloniki for attempted extortion, damaging someone else's property, causing an explosion and violating laws on flares and fireworks.

According to the statements, in August of this year, the 32-year-old man and two accomplices, using threats to the physical integrity of the 44-year-old man and his now deceased 71-year-old mother, as well as damage to property and facilities of their business, demanded that they abandon a legal claim for the return of a sum of more than 132,000 euros, which concerned the purchase of animal feed from a company owned by the 36-year-old man.

They also demanded 4,000 euros and the return of a private car that had been given to the deceased to pay off the debt. During the period, they damaged the tires of two private cars belonging to the 71-year-old woman and set off a homemade firecracker outside the deceased's home, causing damages amounting to 1,500 euros.

The arrested man will be brought to court with a case opened against him.

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