September 20, 2024

Athens News

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Terrorists seize Volgograd colony #19 (Updated)

Terrorists armed with knives took hostages in a prison colony in the Volgograd region. Footage from IK-19 shows wounded colony workers.

The attack took place during a meeting of the disciplinary commission; there are currently 4 or 5 employees being held hostage; there were presumably four attackers, writes the BAZA publication.

The head of penal colony No. 19 is 45 years old. Andrey Devyatovalso preliminarily held hostage by terrorists. Three people are also reported dead.

FSIN special forces arrived at the colony

The seizure took place today during a meeting of the disciplinary commission at around 12:00, reports TG channel SHOT.

The attack was carried out by three or four prisoners. They call themselves members of the terrorist and banned “ISIS”. The attackers took advantage of the fact that they were all together in one place, near several FSIN employees.

– At least one person was killed: the colony's duty officer tried to resist the terrorists, but they stabbed him to death. Five people were seriously injured: four employees (including the 45-year-old head of the colony, Colonel of the Internal Service Andrei Devyatov, his deputy and deputy for the BoR) and one prisoner, – the publication specifies.

Chief Andrey Devyatov The terrorists handed him over to the security forces, he was hospitalized in intensive care. The terrorists demanded a helicopter with a pilot, two million dollars and an air corridor to the southeast to escape from Russia.

The FSIN special forces are conducting a special operation to free hostages. IK-19 is mainly occupied by first-time convicts. There were about 1,230 prisoners in the colony.

Criminal cases have been opened under the articles “Taking of hostages” and “Disorganization of the activities of institutions that ensure isolation from society.”


One of the Islamists who seized the Volgograd colony said that this was “revenge” for the terrorists who attacked Crocus.

He also says that “Russia is poking its nose into everything,” “Putin is constantly lying,” and “Muslims are oppressed everywhere.” They say they do it “for the sake of the Face of Allah, for the establishment of Sharia.”

Before this they said that “The infidels are oppressing thousands of our sisters.”

The Islamists say they did not ask for $2 million and a helicopter. Instead, they demanded that the wounded hostage be exchanged for another. At the same time, the Islamist claims that they still have many hostages, although they are not visible in the frame.


One of the radicals who took hostages in Colony No. 19 allegedly put on a “suicide vest.”

It is not known whether this is a dummy or real explosive. In his hands, the prisoner holds something similar to a detonator. It has not been officially confirmed that those who seized the penal colony in the Volgograd region have a bomb.

Other radicals, judging by the footage online, were armed with knives or sharpened knives.


He put the vest on himself Rustamchon Navruziwho received term for drug trafficking.

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