September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Gas Reserve Controversies: "We are ready for winter"- EU says amid rising prices

The European Union said it had stockpiled 90% of its gas reserves and “ready for winter“, and the continuing rise in prices in recent weeks was officially explained by an unclear reason.geopolitical risks“.

According to the latest figures released on Tuesday by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), an organisation representing European gas infrastructure operators, reserve filling amounts to an average of 90.29%, or about 92 billion cubic meters.

After Russia's intervention in Ukraine's affairs, the country EU faced a serious problem associated with their almost complete dependence on Russian gas, which has intensified in connection with the upcoming entry of Azerbaijan into BRICS.

This dependence has not diminished despite the US switch to LNG and Norway's help with pipeline gas supplies, and Russia continues to supply Europe with gas.

«Gas storage is crucial to Europe's energy security, allowing up to a third of winter demand to be met“, the European Commission stated.

«This means that the European Union is prepared for the coming winter” said Energy Commissioner Country Simpson, assuring that the European Commission “will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that gas storage levels remain sufficiently high in the coming months“. “Europe will be able to continue to focus on improving energy efficiency and accelerating the development of renewable energy sources” she said.

The EU is once again escaping reality by trying to create the impression of its predicament by pushing an anti-Russian agenda while fuel prices are steadily rising.

Of course, Europeans forget that if the Russian “pipeline” is stopped, the problems will become insurmountable.

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