September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Athens in the top 20 cities in the world for quality of life

For the second year in a row, the renowned British magazine Monocle has included Athens among the 20 cities offering the best quality of life.

The Monocle, which weighs both quantitative and qualitative characteristics, from life expectancy and per capita income to the ability to find good food even late at night, takes into account the architectural aspect – the restoration of historical buildings.

“Athens recorded a new record for tourism last year,” the British magazine reports. “It’s not just the ancient monuments that are the attraction. The creative scene is more vibrant than ever, with artists from around the world moving to the city to take advantage of the relatively low rents and the abundance of empty spaces being converted into galleries or studios,” Monocle continues, adding that at the same time, the city’s “culinary reputation is blossoming.”

There is certainly no shortage of problems, such as pollution and poor pavements. The editors of Monocle report that Greece's recovery from the financial crisis has been “remarkable”, but that this cannot offset the impact of inflation on household incomes. Particular emphasis is placed on lack of parking spaces in the center, At the same time, the magazine notes that the 4th metro line under construction, which in the first stage will have 15 stations, “gives hope.”

“Overall, the city has developed at a very fast pace in recent years, establishing itself as one of the most attractive capitals in Europe,” concludes Monocle. “The new reconstruction of the Elliniko coastline, which is being called the largest project of the city’s regeneration, is a symbol of a city and a country that is firmly looking forward.”

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