September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A new wave of price increases for essential items is expected from September – approximately 15 to 20%

A new wave is expected from September increase in prices of essential goodsavailable on supermarket shelves.

The market has already announced an increase in coffee prices, while the rise in cocoa prices is affecting the prices of a number of food products. At the same time, cheese, milk, orange juice, tea, and butter have doubled in price compared to last year.

“From September we will see a price increase of 15-20%. This is especially true for catering establishments that serve coffee, whose representatives say that they cannot compensate for this increase in the price of raw materials. The price of a glass of coffee will exceed 4 euros”, NEW INKA representative Panagiotis Georgiadis said about coffee, speaking to Mega on Tuesday morning 20/8.

«According to data published ELSTATfor July 2024 inflation has risen by 2.7% from 2.3% in June and food inflation by 2.4% from 2.1%”, said Panagiotis Georgiadis.

“And with the fires, drought and water shortages, coupled with the impact of tourism growth on inflation, we're going to have even worse data for August. And in In July we saw an increase in olive oil prices,” he said. Other goods that have seen price increases include fish, soft drinks and coffee.

«Only if consumers coordinate their actions, only if they become conscious consumers, will they be able to exert pressure,” added a NEW INKA representative. According to Georgiades, the complaints received by the organization concern speculation, as well as “too many complaints this year about the price of sunbeds on the beaches. Operators have the opportunity to legally establish a minimum markup limit.”

In addition, if excessively speculative prices are detected for the goods or services offered, consumers can contact the Ministry of Consumption,” he concluded.

From the author: As experience shows, complaints from Greek citizens against large corporations usually end in nothing. Experienced corporate lawyers smash to smithereens any attempts by consumers defend your rights. At the same time, in Greece, unlike the USA, there are practically no lawyers, who would take on cases related to protecting the population from “corporate robbery.” And this means that the chances for ordinary citizens to achieve justice are close to zero.

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