September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A 72-year-old woman from Aliveri Evia fell victim to fraudsters: she was deprived of gold pounds worth 80,000 euros

A 72-year-old woman from Aliveri (Evia) fell victim to scammers who convinced her to give them €80,000 worth of gold pounds sterling for what was supposedly an urgent operation for her daughter.

According to the woman's complaint, the unknown scammers who called her introduced themselves as doctors and said that her daughter needed to have an operation on her leg. After repeated phone calls, the woman was convinced, and the scammers, without hesitation, asked her to give them money at a children's clothing store.

The woman handed over the gold pounds in a nylon bag, after which the fraudsters left in an unknown direction and were put on the wanted list.

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