September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How many new cars were launched on the Greek market in July

Greek Statistical Agency ELSTAT has released data on the circulation of new cars on the Greek market in July.

First-time vehicles (new or used) increased by 6.7% in July to 23,517 units, compared to 22,044 units produced in the same month in 2023.

As for new vehicles produced in July 2024, their number was 13,212 against 13,382 produced in the corresponding month of 2023, which means a decrease of 1.3%.

The production of new motorcycles with an engine capacity of over 50 cc (new and used foreign) in July 2024 amounted to 11,212, compared to 8,461 in the corresponding month of 2023, showing an increase of 32.5%.

The number of new motorcycles produced in July 2024 was 10,750 compared to 8,060 produced in the corresponding month of 2023, representing an increase of 33.4%.

In the period January-July 2024, 157,319 new or used foreign automobiles were produced for the first time, compared with 147,735 produced in the corresponding period of 2023, an increase of 6.5%. The number of new automobiles produced in the period January-July 2024 was 97,359, compared with 89,748 produced in the corresponding period of 2023, an increase of 8.5%. The number of new motorcycles produced in the period January-July 2024 was 49,512.
The production of new motorcycles with a capacity of over 50 cc (new and used foreign) for the period January-July 2024 amounted to 52,090 units, compared with 44,016 units produced in the corresponding period of 2023, showing an increase of 18.3%. The number of new motorcycles produced in the period January-July 2024 amounted to 49,512 units, compared with 41,667 units produced in the corresponding period of 2023, showing an increase of 18.8%.

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