September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greeks: Households no longer able to save money – 7 out of 10 don't even have €1,000 in their accounts

As recent studies have shown ELASTATthe Bank of Greece, IOBE and other organizations, most of the country's households are no longer able to save money.

The data from the Deposit and Investment Guarantee Fund (TEKE) on the impoverishment of Greeks is sad. People's savings are being depleted at a time when hardships are making their daily lives more difficult. According to TEKE, 70.9% of Greeks have a balance of up to 1,000 euros in their bank accounts, while their share of total deposits is only 1.3%.

Only 0.8% have savings in Greek banks of more than 100,000 euros, which corresponds to 42% of all deposits. TEKE data for 2023:

  • 70.9% of depositors have deposits from 0 to 1,000 euros, and their share in the total volume of deposits is only 1.3%.
  • Deposits from 1,001 to 5,000 euros are held by 13.3% of depositors, and the total share of deposits is 5.2%.
  • Deposits in the amount of 5,001 to 50,000 euros belong to 13.6% of depositors, the total share of deposits is 35.3%.
  • Deposits in the amount of 50,001 – 100,000 euros belong to 1.4% of depositors, their total share is 15.6% of all deposits.
  • Only 0.8% of Greeks have deposits of more than 100,000 euros, their total share being 42.5% of all deposits.

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