September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

West Nile virus: Six people have died in Greece by the end of July

West Nile virus worries experts as cases across Greece reach 33

Greece's National Public Health Organization (EODY) recommends taking mosquito precautions to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. six people died by the end of July.

EODY reports that the circulation of the virus is particularly intense in the current 2024 season, with the number of registered cases higher compared to the previous five years during the same period. The geographical spread of the virus is wide: cases have already been registered in five regions of the country, in northern, central and western Greece. More cases are expected in the country and in other European countries in the near future.

The areas where cases will occur cannot be predicted with certainty, EODY recommends individual mosquito protection measures, therefore, not only in areas where cases have already appeared, but also throughout the entire territory. EODY recommendations for West Nile virus:

  • Use approved repellents for the body and room (according to the instructions for use), mosquito nets, and suitable (closed) clothing.
  • Do not leave containers with standing water.
  • Elderly people and those with chronic illnesses are advised to take special care in taking individual preventive measures against mosquito bites, as these people are at higher risk of developing more severe forms of the disease.

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