September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Prices for 580 essential medicines to rise

The Ministry of Health has released a new price list for medicines that will be sold through the Greek National Health Organization (EOF).

Re-evaluation of drugs includes price increases on about 580 low-cost drugs in order to allegedly prevent their withdrawal from the Greek market. The price increase is taking place at the request of pharmaceutical companies, because their production costs exceeded the profits from the drugs.

How much more will you have to pay for medications? New pricesestablished by the Ministry of Health, will cost EOPYY approximately 60 million euros, and patients will have to pay an additional 30 million euros in co-payments.

However, according to data Ministry of Healthfrom those drugs that were prices have been increasednear 200 will be re-introduced on Greek market, as they were removed from sales exactly because of the low prices. This means that their no more need to import through IFET at inflated prices. It should be noted that IFET had to pay about 90 million euros for import these cheap drugs that were withdrawn from the Greek market.

The average price of most medicines is at the two lowest prices in the eurozone. According to the same sources, Prices majority drugs were established in accordance with the law, that is, at the level of the average two of the lowest prices in the eurozonewhile some unique drugs intended for specific patients have had their prices raised more than required by law.

According to the publication's sources, in these cases the cost of production was taken into account, as well as mandatory compensation so that the companies that produce or sell these drugs make a profit.

It is worth noting that, according to the Greek statistical agency ELSTATsince 2020, prices for most drugs have already increased by an average of 50%.

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