September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

EU ban on internal combustion engines called illegal

Authorities EU plans to introduce a ban on internal combustion engines from 2035. From that point on, it is expected that it will be prohibited to register new petrol and diesel internal combustion engines.

However, this initiative has raised doubts among lawyers. In the conclusion of Professor Martin Kment from the University of Augsburg it is stated that the plan to gradually phase out internal combustion engines violates EU law. Kment points out that the new EU methodology is based on measuring CO₂, which comes out of the exhaust pipe. Electric cars, in turn, do not emit CO₂, but carbon dioxide is emitted during their production or charging, if electricity is generated mainly from coal and gas.

This focus on emissions is at odds with European legislation, Kment says in his report, suggesting that combustion engines could actually be greener than electric cars.

Earlier, CDU MEP Dennis Radtke told BILD that he would be submitting a proposal to the European Parliament to change the CO₂ emission rules to make combustion engines eligible for registration again after 2035.

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