September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The couple handed out 100 euro bills to the gypsies

On the island of Mykonos, famous for its luxury resorts and high-class crowd, tourists sometimes give significant amounts of alms. The island of the winds attracts many wealthy people, and some of them can be generous in their donations. However, specific cases and amounts are not always documented.

However, this time, things were different. In the narrow streets of Mykonos, where many children beg, reporters found a couple of tourists who were handing out large bills to small children begging in Chora. The couple gave the children 10, 20 and even 100 euro notes.

A video posted by Myconos Live shows young gypsy children who roam the streets of Mykonos at night receiving banknotes from the couple as the phenomenon of begging is quite common on the Island of Winds.

Mykonos is also famous for the generous tips left by “high-ranking guests”. For example, in some of the island's elite restaurants and clubs, there are known cases when visitors left tips of several thousand euros. Just recently, one of the island's foreign guests – the famous comedian Kevin Hart left a tip of 37,000 euros in one of the beach bars on Mykonos. This is an impressive example of generosity, which emphasizes how high tips can be on this island.

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