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Trump and Zelensky's phone conversation – key points

Yesterday, July 19, a telephone conversation took place between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and former US President, Republican Party candidate for the top post in the United States Donald Trump.

Following the conversation, Zelensky noted, tells the publication “Strana” that they agreed to discuss at a personal meeting “what steps can make the world honest”:

“Spoke with Donald Trump. Congratulated him on his Republican nomination and condemned the horrific assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. Wished him strength and absolute safety moving forward. I noted the vital importance of bipartisan and bicameral American support to protect the freedom and independence of our nation.”

The president said he told Trump that Ukraine “will always be grateful to the United States for helping us strengthen our ability to resist Russian terror. Russian attacks on our cities and villages continue every day.”

Former US President Donald Trump also made a statement on social media:

“Today, President Zelensky and I had a very good phone call. He congratulated me on a very successful Republican National Convention and my nomination as the Republican candidate for President of the United States.”

He condemned the attempted murder last Saturday and noted that the American people have come together in a spirit of unity during these times:

“I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as the next President of the United States, will bring peace and end the war that has cost so many lives. Both sides can come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves the way for prosperity.”


  • Zelensky congratulated Trump on his nomination for the US presidential election and condemned the assassination attempt on him;
  • Trump noted that he and Zelensky had a very good telephone conversation;
  • The Republican candidate said he would bring peace to the world and end the conflict in Ukraine. He said the two sides could come together and negotiate a deal that would end the violence;
  • Zelensky noted the vital importance of support from representatives of both major US parties for Ukraine;

Zelensky announced a personal meeting with Trump.

Trump's return to the White House could dramatically change US policy on Ukraine, The Washington Post writes. Trump once again emphasized on social media that if he comes to power, he will “stop the war” and “both sides will be able to come together and negotiate an agreement that will end the violence.” Earlier, informed sources told the publication that the former president planned to put pressure on Kyiv in a personal conversation and force it to give up a number of territories in order to end the conflict.

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