September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Austria: Migrants to perform charitable duties or… lose benefits (video)

Austria will require asylum seekers to work, Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said.

The Austrian Interior Ministry has announced new rules for migrants. They will now be required to carry out charitable work in state and local government offices, small companies, medical and social institutions, writes Euronews Otherwise, they risk losing half their benefits.

The Austrian government hopes to both organize the lives of asylum seekers and instill in them a clear understanding of Austrian culture, social rules and customs. The same values ​​will be taught to newcomers in mandatory classes.

The Interior Ministry stressed that the tightening of measures to accept migrants over the past two years has already significantly reduced the burden on Austria's social structures. The Interior Minister noted that in the first six months of this year, just over 300 migrants arrived in the east of the country via the Hungarian border. A year earlier, there were ten thousand.

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