September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A photo of P. Stathis was found on the mobile phone of the 44-year-old man arrested for his murder

New evidence continues to emerge in the case of the brutal murder of surveyor Panagiotis Stathis in his car in Neo Psychiko. According to information, a photo of Panagiotis Stathis was found on the mobile phone of the 44-year-old arrested man.

As reported by the Alpha TV channel, the person detained The murder of a surveyor in Psychiko allegedly traveled to Mykonos, where Panagiotis Stathis was staying, and met with the mastermind who gave him the order to kill. Authorities found two mobile phones of the detainee, and in one of them a photograph of the 54-year-old surveyor was found.


As it turned out, it was taken at the same time, when both were in Mykonos.

Let us recall that the accused was taken into custody in the case of the murder of the land surveyor, and in his apology he denied everything. On 11/07/2024, in his statement, the accused's lawyer N. Aletras said that his client denies his involvement in this case: “My client gave me answers to the questions he was asked. He was charged based on the testimony, the interrogation is ongoing, and evidence in his favor was received in the case file today. The case will be solved in the future. There is no involvement, he denies it.”

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