September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Switzerland: Arrest warrant issued for Russian diplomat

Switzerland has accused a Russian diplomat of attempting to purchase weapons in defiance of sanctions and has issued a “national arrest warrant” against him. The Federal Office of Justice has authorized the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to continue the prosecution in this “sensitive case”.

How writes Swiss Info does not name the diplomat, but it is reported that he has already left the country. The OAG has asked the Foreign Ministry to lift diplomatic immunity for one of the three defendants in the case, AFP reports. The immunity expired when he finally left the country. The arrest warrant could be executed if he returns to Switzerland.

According to law enforcement officials, writes, a person accredited as a diplomat conducted intelligence activities with the aim of acquiring weapons and other “potentially dangerous materials.” Two other people are involved in the case with him, their citizenship and status are not specified.

According to Tages-Anzeiger, the diplomat worked at the Russian embassy in Bern and was under surveillance by Swiss intelligence services for some time. He left the country after being accused of violating federal laws on sanctions enforcement and control over the circulation of military products.

Bern did not summon Russian Ambassador Sergei Garmonin, sources in the Foreign Ministry told the publication – the issue was resolved confidentially, “through other channels.” After the criminal case was opened, law enforcement agencies conducted searches in several cantons of the country.

Switzerland maintains a position of military neutrality and therefore does not supply weapons to Ukraine and prohibits other countries from re-exporting them there. However, it has joined the EU's economic sanctions against Russia.

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