September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece imposes emergency measures to protect private sector workers due to heatwave

From Tuesday, July 16 to Friday, July 19, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security is taking emergency measures to combat heat stress among private sector workers.

The heat wave that has engulfed our country has made it necessary to take action and protect citizens, the ministry said in a statement.

Following the announcement of the upcoming heat wave by the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and following a meeting with the General Secretariat for Civil Protection of the Ministry of Climate Crises and Civil Protection, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, in a circular dated 15.7.2024, is taking emergency measures to combat heat stress in private sector workers.

In particular, taking into account the relevant circular of June 3, 2024 (No. 34666): “Prevention of Heat Stress in Workers” The Ministry of Labor and Social Security, a new circular issued provides the following:

Mandatory work stoppage:

  1. from Tuesday 16/07/24
    For workers in companies located mainly in Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, western and eastern Central Greece, Thessaly, western and eastern Peloponnese, where, according to the special weather forecast (EDEK) of 15/07/2024, particularly high temperatures are expected, it is necessary to stop work from 12:00 to 17:00 on Tuesday 16/07/2024 in manual work carried out outdoors. This includes work in technical and construction work, construction sites, distribution and transportation of products and objects using a two-wheeled vehicle (delivery), etc., when the temperature is equal to or exceeds 40 ° C.
  2. from Wednesday 17.07.2024 to Friday 19.07.2024.
    For all workers in businesses performing manual work outdoors, when the temperature is equal to or above 40°C, it becomes mandatory to stop work from 12:00 to 17:00. Illustrative examples are work on technical and construction sites, construction sites, distribution and transportation of products and items on a two-wheeler, scooter, cart (delivery), etc.
  3. It should be noted that, especially when working in the shipbuilding and ship repair area, the above provisions are mandatory for temperatures above 38°C.
    If the measure of suspension of delivery operations is applied, the possibility of accepting orders directly in the store (takeaway) may be maintained, as well as the possibility of making deliveries by private vehicles, other than two-wheelers and other means of transport referred to in the previous subparagraph, as defined in Article 2 of Law 2696/1999, subject to more specific conditions (provided that they are equipped with air conditioning).
  4. The cessation of work does not apply to economic activities related to important and socially significant infrastructure in the health, transport and utilities sectors (medical institutions, water supply, electricity supply, air transport, loading and unloading operations, sea, land and rail transport), provided that other technical and organizational measures are taken, as provided for in Circular No. 34666/03.06.2024 “Prevention of heat stress in workers”, including the organization of working hours.
  5. In case of failure to comply with the forced cessation of work measure, the labour inspectorate will impose a fine of 2,000 euros on each company manager.

Providing remote work using a remote work system

Workers in dependent employment relationships in the private sector of the economy who belong to high-risk groups, especially in the event of exposure to aggravating conditions in areas where, according to the special weather forecast of 15.07.2024, particularly high temperatures are expected, are given the opportunity to work remotely using a teleworking system, if this is possible due to the nature of their work.

Exceptional measures for the organization of working time

To make it easier for employees to change their arrival and departure times, employers may decide not to register any changes to the organization of working hours in advance in the ERGANI system.

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