September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Pet store sold electric shock devices for animals

Officers from the Weapons and Explosives Department of the State Security Sub-Directorate of the Thessaloniki Police Department arrested a 52-year-old woman, the owner of a pet shop.

According to the relevant information, during checks for violations related to the law on weapons, goods related to the sale of weapons for stunning/immobilizing animals in the form of rifles and pistols, as well as stun guns and accessories for them were found in the online store.

Subsequently, a search was conducted in the physical pet store, as well as in the adjacent warehouse in the Harilaou area, during which the following were discovered and confiscated:

  • An air rifle used to stun and immobilize animals.
  • 16 compressed gas cylinders (CO2) for air rifles,
  • 32 dart syringes,
  • 75 syringe cartridges (with needles).

As well as a number of other accessories related to ammunition (weapons of the above type) intended to stop and neutralize inadequate (rabid) animals.

The detainee will be brought before the competent judicial authorities.

It seems that immobilization and/or euthanasia of rabid animals will now remain the prerogative of the police. However, they do not have tranquilizer darts and animals in an inadequate state will now not be euthanasia (paralyzed), but killed.

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