September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A woman swimming in the sea in Japan was carried away 80 kilometers from the shore. Despite this, she was saved

On the morning of July 8, residents of the Japanese coastal city of Shizuoka reported to the coast guard that their girlfriend, a 20-year-old Chinese woman, was missing. According to the man, she went swimming in the sea and did not return.

The Japanese Coast Guard immediately launched a massive search that lasted 36 hours. The next day, the woman was found by a cargo ship crew off the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula. The crew carried out a rescue operation and lifted the Chinese woman on board. She was then immediately taken by helicopter to the hospital for first aid, although she did not require hospitalization.

The woman, whose name is not given, said that she was swimming with a life preserver. She was carried away to the sea: according to experts, the area where the Chinese woman was swimming is affected by the Kuroshio Current, which caught the woman.

“The distance between the beach and the rescue site is 80 kilometers. However, we assume that she was carried even further. There are many ships in the area where the woman was found. It is a miracle that she was not hit by a ship,” a coast guard spokesman said.

Greece recently experienced similar case.

Thessaloniki: 34-year-old woman and her two children swept out to sea

June 14, 2024, A 34-year-old German citizen and her two children, aged 3 and 5who were on a paddle board, were carried out to the open sea.

Sup board is a board that is primarily used while standing and is steered with a long, adjustable paddle. An incident happened in the sea area Epanomi (Ποταμού Επανομής) in Thessaloniki.

A Coast Guard patrol boat, two rescuers on the MARIA II boat, and a Coast Guard land patrol vehicle headed to the area. The rescue boat found and brought the woman and her children to Potamos Beach. All three are alive and in good condition, although a little scared.

Sup board is a board that is primarily used while standing and is steered with a long, adjustable paddle. An incident happened in the sea area Epanomi (Ποταμού Επανομής) in Thessaloniki.

A Coast Guard patrol boat, two rescuers on the MARIA II boat, and a Coast Guard land patrol vehicle headed to the area. The rescue boat found and brought the woman and her children to Potamos Beach. All three are alive and in good condition, although a little scared.

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