July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The Russian army in Ukraine may introduce… electric scooters

The State Duma of the Russian Federation proposed creating combat units of grenade launchers on electric scooters: “Everyone will win.”

According to The Moscow Times, this idea was put forward by Maxim Ivanov, a member of the United Russia faction. He suggests that the authorities confiscate all “extra” electric scooters and send them to the front. Then grenade launchers would be able to “silently drive between positions,” and sappers would use them to carry mines. Ivanov explained his idea as follows:

“I see numerous opinions that in Yekaterinburg, let's say delicately, there is an excess of scooters. I thought about it. Wouldn't it be appropriate to send some of this equipment to the kids? Pedestrians in the cities will breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be fewer scooter riders who drive around provocatively. And the kids will benefit.”

The parliamentarian explained, writes Lenta.ru that there is a demand for electric scooters at the forefront. According to him, one of the commanders requested several units of such equipment for a grenade launcher platoon in order to silently move between positions. “There is a request from a group of miners: they say that up to four anti-tank mines can be loaded onto a scooter,” Ivanov shared.

Ivanov noted that he will discuss this topic with colleagues in the near future, and will also contact leading sharing services.

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