July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Six-day work: the measure comes into force today, July 1

The Greek government has introduced a lockdown for the public sector, utilities, banks and the private sector 6th working day for permanently operating companies, organizations and farms that previously used the 5-day work week system.

At the same time, workers will be paid an additional 40% of their daily salary for the sixth day, and if it is a holiday – 115%. The six-day work week is accompanied by a digital work card and the PS Tool II system. In particular, a six-day work measure is currently in effect, while in many European countries, a four-day work has been introduced, even in pilot mode, without reducing the employee's salary.

Based on Article 25 of Law 5053/23, the introduction of six-day work for those working five days was to begin in March 2024, when industrial enterprises switch to the system digital work cards. However, their introduction has been postponed until July, when the six-day working system comes into force. From the day the new regulation is introduced, work on the sixth day of the week will be permitted under the following conditions:

  • Mandatory demonstration of work in PS ERGANI II, without the possibility of exceeding 8 hours per day.
  • The employee will be entitled to a daily wage increased by 40% for the sixth working day.
  • Work on an additional day cannot exceed 8 hours; overtime work is not permitted.
  • At enterprises with a five-day night shift (24:00-06:00), work on the sixth day of the night shift is not permitted.
  • Employers who comply with the provisions of the law are required to include in the act on the organization of working hours information on the working hours standards of personnel who will be coming to work on the sixth day of the week (before the employees start work).

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