July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Arsonist dressed as a firefighter threw Molotov cocktails

The deputy mayor of the municipality of Dionysos in northeastern Attica expressed serious concern about the forest fire in Stamat on Monday and said that a “scooter driver dressed in a fireman's suit” started the fire.

He claimed that a man on a scooter was seen throwing small firebombs, and also cited eyewitness reports. “I saw the footage from the control center. At first there was one single focal point, and after six minutes we saw five focal points in a row. This cannot happen naturally. I was told that they saw a scooter driver dressed as a fireman, throwing fire bombs. It makes sense that it was arson.”“Deputy Mayor Giorgos Komnimakis told Open Television.

The fire started on the side of the road and spread quickly due to strong winds.

A 45-year-old man died and two others were hospitalized with burns. At least two houses burned down. There is no active fire front in Stamat on Monday.

Over the past two days, several dozen large fires have broken out across Greece. According to the authorities, hot weather and strong winds are to blame. However, as the information published above shows, arsonists were also involved.

We will talk about the reasons that motivate arsonists. wrote earlierhowever, if we describe it in a few words, then most often the arsonist is either mentally ill or a person paid by those interested in seizing the territory for its exploitation in the future. Often we are talking about the construction of wind or solar power plants.

There is also a version about agents of foreign intelligence services, whom our eastern neighbor pays to create problems for Greece, to weaken the country as a whole, but this version has never received any real confirmation.

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