June 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chinese J-20 and American F-35 – which fighter "cooler" (video)

The characteristics of Chinese and American fighters were compared in a publication by The National Interest (TNI).

The Chinese J-20, a fifth-generation fighter, is faster than the American F-35, but inferior to it in stealth parameters. Edition notes:

“Although the exact characteristics of the J-20 have not been disclosed, it is known that it is faster than the American F-35, but has a larger effective cross-section, which makes it more noticeable.”

In addition, the author notes, the Chinese fighter is inferior to the American one in terms of power plant characteristics. The Chinese WS-15 engine lags behind the American F-35 by “at least 10 years.”

Earlier in June, The War Zone wrote that the F-35A fighters of the US Air Force were armed with Norwegian Joint Strike Missile cruise missiles. The missile with a range of about 560 kilometers received a warhead weighing 120 kilograms.

At the end of March, US Deputy Secretary of Defense William LaPlante announced the start of serial production of the F-35A, 22 years after the start of development.

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