June 29, 2024

Athens News

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Tens of millions of dollars and euros from Western aid to Ukraine were found in the house of deputy M. Tishchenko

A loud scandal involving the name erupted in Ukraine Verkhovna Rada deputy Nikolai Tishchenko. People's choice accused of illegal protection of business and corruption.

What is shocking to Ukraine is that this man, who was taken into custody, was one of those responsible for the fight against corruption. Footage of the search became public, when law enforcement officers found hundreds of thousands of dollars, euros, and Swiss francs in his house, and he claims that this is money he earned from his work.

The West constantly sends heaps of taxpayers' money, but there is evidence from Ukraine that even the latest models of very expensive cars appear on the streets of Kyiv earlier than in Dubai!

As noted by Ukrainian media, Tishchenko told the authorities that if they took his money, he would have nothing to live on, to the laughter of those present. On June 25, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv chose a preventive measure for People's Deputy Nikolai Tishchenko. According to the court's decision, he must be under 24-hour house arrest, wear an electronic bracelet and surrender his passport.

After the end of the trial, a scandal erupted, since Tishchenko, after the selection of a preventive measure, was noticed at the five-star Hyatt hotel in Kyiv. Law enforcement officers put an electronic bracelet on the people’s deputy only at 10:30 p.m. Before this, Tishchenko moved freely around the city.

Opinion of blogger Anatoly Shariy

What does the publication write about this? “Ukrainian National News”

June 5 at DBR reported, that people's deputy Nikolai Tishchenko was informed of suspicion regarding the illegal imprisonment of a former serviceman in the Dnieper. Election meeting preventive measure was scheduled for today at 14:00, in the Pechersk court of the city of Kyiv. However, Tishchenko arrived in court 30 minutes later.

On social networks video appeared, in which in Dnieper the guards of people's deputy Nikolai Tishchenko, who are in the city, beat a man. The recording shows unknown men in military uniform without identification marks beating a handcuffed man. At the same time, the man who was attacked was with a baby stroller.

Subsequently, a full version of the video with the conflict appeared, in which Tishchenko also appears. As the media found out, the man who was handcuffed was a veteran of the Kraken unit, Dmitry Pavlov. The conflict allegedly occurred due to the fact that the people's deputy was walking around the city in military uniform, although he had nothing to do with military service and was not a veteran.

Local law enforcement officials said they did not cooperate with Tishchenko. The police opened two criminal proceedings: on the fact of causing minor bodily harm and unlawful deprivation of liberty. Tishchenko himself explained the situation on social networks by saying that allegedly “a military man attacked the police,” and also stated that the military man was allegedly the head of security at the “bot farm.”

At the same time, Tishchenko added that he does not have security. In addition, he claims that it was a provocation. According to him, Pavlov served in the Kraken unit, but was discharged for health reasons to his mother. Tishchenko also emphasized that the victim is no longer a serviceman.

Head of the Presidential Office Andrey Yermak condemned the shameful behavior of MP Tishchenko and his conflict with the military, hinting that law enforcement agencies should respond accordingly.

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