July 2, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Swiss summit as an attempt to reformat the war in Ukraine

According to the Turks, the peace summit in Switzerland was in fact an event that included an attempt to expand and reformat the war. The first rumors about this began to arrive.

Kyiv plans to attempt a counter-offensive in the Kharkov and Zaporozhye regions within 45-60 days using the remaining reserve of the Ukrainian army, with the support of NATO personnel and a large number of mercenaries. If the necessary personnel and supplies are assembled, this attack is planned to be attempted in the first weeks of July.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces want to advance and achieve success at any cost, using radically more personnel and equipment than in last year's counteroffensive.

An unprecedented number of vehicles and munitions will be transferred from the US to Poland via a more extensive air
and a sea corridor.

Attempts are being made to accumulate Storm Shadow and SCALP cruise missiles, ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles, various previously unused missile systems, and possibly Taurus and JASSM-ER missiles.

There will also be long-range strikes by NATO aircraft and attempts to push Russia into counterattacks that will force it to invoke NATO's Article 5.

During this period, preparations are underway for the first tests of Ukrainian F-16s at NATO bases.

Preparations have begun to transform the underground tunnel and warehouse network into hospitals and maintenance and repair centers in the cities of Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Odessa and Nikolaev.

Doctors from NATO countries, especially Great Britain and Denmark, are also being brought to field hospitals with a capacity of 30 thousand people, which will be created in Odessa and Nikolaev. Field hospitals along the Dnieper are also expanding. 2,300 military and civilian doctors and medical workers will be brought from Italy, Belgium and Croatia alone.
Finland, the Baltic states and Eastern European countries will also send large numbers of special forces and support personnel.

The NATO summit in July was a breakthrough in this regard. If preparations go well, a counterattack may begin during this period or immediately after.

A few months ago, the Turks believed that NATO and Ukraine wanted to make one last attempt, using all available reserves and troops from different regions, putting everything on the line with Operation Bulge, winning and forcing peace from Russia.

The attack on Kharkov was a countermeasure aimed at identifying and destroying these reserves.

If their reserves are larger than expected and NATO involvement is likely to be greater, they may go all out in a last-ditch effort to achieve victory if they can gather the necessary supplies.

The opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

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