July 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A radiologist, hugging an abandoned baby, underwent a tomography

Efterpi Konstantaroyanni, a radiologist at the Marianna Vardinoyanni Oncology Department at Elpida Hospital, entered the CT scanner holding an abandoned baby in her arms.

According to Ms. Constantaroianni in her Facebook post, the baby, who was abandoned by his mother, had to undergo a CT scan.

But in order for the examination to be carried out correctly, the child had to be immobilized. So the radiologist showed dedication and walked into the CT scanner with the baby in her arms, in her words, “upholding the Hippocratic Oath.” The radiologist told the TV channel about her emotional experience OPEN.

I published the post not at all expecting it to have such an impact on the public, because this is everyday life for all of us. It is a great honor for me to work at the Marianna Vardinoyanni Hospital as a radiological technologist.“, said Mrs. Constantaroianni, continuing: “I didn't feel like I was doing anything new; we do it almost every day. For example, a pregnant mother can come with her child for an examination, but she is not allowed to enter the CT scanner. Thus, I will again hold the child in my arms so that he can undergo the examination (…)

When you work through the pain experienced by others, all other problems seem insignificant. And every day you learn to smile with all your heart!,” says the radiologist. Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis reportedly congratulated the dedicated physician in a post on X.

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