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France: rape of a 12-year-old "dirty jew" three teenagers (video)

“The punishment will be severe and without the right of appeal,” this is how French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal commented on the rape and abuse of a 12-year-old Jewish girl.

How tells euronews, yesterday the French prime minister responded to the incident, reports of which have not left the pages of news publications for several days:

“What happened was absolutely disgusting, unbearable and unspeakable.”

Three teenagers are accused of rape, beating, anti-Semitic insults, and death threats against a Jewish girl. Attal assured:

“My thoughts are with the injured child, her family, her friends. The attackers have been identified and detained. I can assure you that the punishment will be severe and without the right of appeal. And I… call on all political leaders to raise barriers around the issue of anti-Semitism. Enough with the rhetoric, which simplifies the situation, there are enough tolerant comments that create a deadly climate in the country. Unfortunately, after October 7, our country has again seen an increase in anti-Semitism.”

The incident occurred on Saturday evening, in the Parisian suburb of Courbevoie, in close proximity to the La Défense business district. According to the police, three teenagers, one of whom was 12 years old, and two of whom were 13, forcibly took their peer into an empty room, where they first insulted her, calling her “a dirty Jew,” and then they began to beat and rape her. The teenagers filmed what was happening. Then, according to the girl, they threatened to “burn her alive” if she contacted the police. They also demanded 200 euros from her, threatening “bad consequences” for herself and her family.

The attackers were detained by police on Monday. On the same day, two of them were charged with “aggravated rape”, “gang sexual assault”, “attempted extortion”, “violence against a minor under 15 years of age and for religious reasons”, “violation of confidentiality” private life by recording”, “repeated death threats”, “religious insults”.

The third suspect has been given the status of a witness in the case of “rape”, but has been charged with other crimes. Two thirteen-year-old teenagers have been placed in custody, and the 12-year-old attacker is the subject of a temporary judicial educational measure.

According to French law, only those over 13 years old can be sent to a juvenile colony. In this case, the sentence received will be automatically reduced by half compared to the punishment for a similar crime committed by an adult.

The incident shocked French society just days before early parliamentary elections, in which the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardell, which advocates a sharp tightening of immigration policy, is expected to significantly strengthen its position. Bardella stated:

“We must fight the anti-Semitism that has swept through France since October 7. I will prioritize the restoration of power and order in every square meter of the territory and will devote all my energy to this.”

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