June 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Putin may use nuclear weapons if he sees that he is losing

The Russian Federation may use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine if its army begins to suffer defeat. This opinion was expressed by NSDC Secretary Alexander Litvinenko in an interview with the Times.

“We cannot rule out anything if Russia is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat,” he said, adding that we are talking about a hypothetical collapse of the front and protests in Moscow. True, he also stated that even in this case, the use of tactical nuclear weapons is not guaranteed, since the Kremlin can convince the Russian population that this is a “victory.”

Let us note that Ukraine and a number of its allies are promoting the idea in the international arena that the likelihood of Russia using nuclear weapons in a conflict is extremely low. The likely purpose of these statements is to make it easier for the West to supply more long-range weapons and further weaken the ban on their use on Russian territory.

At the same time, Russia, for its part, makes it clear that the use of nuclear weapons is a real option. But, judging by statements from Moscow, it is being considered in the event of Western countries directly entering the war on the side of Ukraine. And the target for strikes is not Ukraine, but the NATO countries of Europe.

Let us recall that the ongoing tactical nuclear exercises of the Russian Federation are being held near the borders of Poland, as well as the Baltic countries.

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