June 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

US and NATO reject Putin's terms: 'This is not a peace proposal'

After Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said it rejected the peace terms as “absurd,” Washington and NATO took a stance that the terms could not be negotiated.

The US Secretary of Defense has made it clear that Vladimir Putin cannot dictate to Ukraine what to do to end the war with Russia and bring peace. Lloyd Austin glorified Kyiv's military successes, emphasizing that the Russian president “is not in a position to dictate to Ukraine what it should do for peace.” “Putin has occupied and is illegally occupying the sovereign territory of Ukraine“, said the head of the Pentagon on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels.

In its turn Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that he does not consider the Russian President’s proposal on Ukraine “peaceful”, adding that NATO countries will continue to provide military support to Kyiv: “It is not Ukraine that should withdraw troops from Ukrainian territory, but Russia that should withdraw troops from the occupied territories of Ukraine. This (Putin's) proposal means that Russia reserves the right to seize even more Ukrainian territories… This proposal does not demonstrate good will, it shows Russia's desire to achieve military goals…”

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