September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Using Your Air Conditioner Smartly: How to Save on Electricity Bills

Air conditioners will work at full capacity In the next few days due to high temperatures, however, there are some tips on how to save energy and avoid having bloated bills at the end of the month.

Mmeteorologists warnWhat by Thursday (June 13, 2024) heat wave in some areas will reach 43°CA African dust may still come back. Experts recommend that city residents lower awnings and blinds on houses or keep shutters closed at lunchtime.

Also It would be good to ventilate the premises at night, to relieve the internal space from the heat load accumulated during the day. Besides experts recommend watering the verandas or courtyards of your houses in the evening hours.

What is the appropriate temperature

Regarding the use of air conditioners and for greater savings, experts note that the temperature should be set 10 to 14 degrees below the outdoor temperature. For example, when the outside temperature reaches 36°C, we should set the air conditioner to 26 degrees.

How much electricity does an air conditioner burn per hour?

Depending on the type of air conditioner, its power and age, in our region Consumption in money can vary from 0.10 to 0.3 euros/hour. So, if we have air conditioning running 24 hours, the daily fee only from 1 device can reach (24 hours x 0.2 euro) 5 euros.

Finally, for the uninterrupted supply of energy to all citizens, as well as to avoid electrical problems, The Ministry of Environment and Energy advises citizens, what to do in extreme heat.

Greece: Flash Heat Emergency Bulletin

What are we doing

  • We operate energy-intensive electrical appliances (washing machine, iron, oven, etc.) whenever possible during the daytime (14:00 – 18:00), when there is an abundance of electricity from photovoltaic batteries.
  • We adjust the temperature of the air conditioners to 26 degrees.
  • We close windows and balcony doors when the air conditioner is running to reduce losses.

What we avoid

  • If possible, we avoid turning on energy-intensive electrical appliances (washing machine, iron, oven, etc.) between 20:00 and 22:00. During this two-hour period, electricity demand peaks and photovoltaic energy production reaches zero.
  • We avoid turning on the air conditioners as much as possible between 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm since we have already lowered the temperature in our home and the ambient temperature is starting to drop.
  • We don't forget the lights are on and devices are in standby mode.

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