July 4, 2024

Athens News

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The summit in Switzerland will bring together leaders of more than 100 countries, some have announced their refusal to participate (video)

The foreign ministries of Mexico, Nicaragua and Brazil said they do not plan to attend the Bürgenstock peace summit.

How tells BB.LV, Mexico refused to send a representative to the summit. The Mexican diplomatic mission in Moscow explained that Mexico stands for peace, and therefore expects that it will soon be possible to hold negotiations in which both sides of the conflict will participate.

A similar decision was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nicaragua. They noted that this country has never participated and will not participate in a political farce, “which has no goal of finding a path to peace, but only has the goal of presenting another ultimatum to Russia.”

Leader Brazil Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also refused to participate in the summit. The embassy in the Russian Federation explained that both Russia and Ukraine should be present at the negotiating table. One of the reasons for the refusal was Ukraine’s reluctance to consider the plan that Brazil and China presented in May 2024. The document notes that the only way out of the crisis is to resume the dialogue between Kyiv and Moscow. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said more than two dozen countries supported the plan.

Peace Conference will pass at the resort of Bürgenstock in Switzerland on June 15-16. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky personally asked US leader Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping to attend this event. However, both will not attend: the US President because of a campaign rally in Hollywood, and Beijing because absence Russia among the participants. The refusal was also received from Saudi Arabia. Some experts believe that India may follow.

Bloomberg noted that the summit on Ukraine could open the door to future negotiations with the Russian Federation. The agency explains that the goal of the “peace summit” is to find a way to involve Russian officials in negotiations based on the three points of the peace plan proposed by Zelensky. And although Russia will not participate in the summit, the document, seen by Bloomberg, says that all sides in the conflict should work to end the fighting.

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