September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fine 700 euros and deprivation of rights. A mistake that thousands of Greek drivers make every day

Despite the fact that knowledge of road sign symbols is a prerequisite for passing the test and obtaining a driving license, the most common mistake, which 9 out of 10 drivers make, can cost them a fine of 700 euros.

This is what driving instructors force students to repeat “countless times” during theoretical and practical lessons, since a mistake in itself is a reason for a potential driver to be disqualified from the test (driving practice). The point is that the driver should approach a STOP sign and stop in front of it every time he sees it on the road.

Both the red traffic light and the STOP sign mean a mandatory stop for vehicle drivers. However, although drivers come to a complete stop at a red light, as they are supposed to, unfortunately, they often do not do the same at a STOP sign. The set of traffic rules in both cases requires a complete stop.

The overwhelming majority of drivers try to pass the STOP “coasting”, that is, slowly approaching, but not bringing the car to a complete stop. This, in addition to being illegal, can be very costly not only for them but also for other road users as it can lead to a traffic accident.


Besides the letter of the law, one of the main reasons we should always stop the vehicle we are driving when there is a STOP sign in front of us is to show other road users that we we see the sign and consciously give it priority.

Once the vehicle has come to a complete stop in front of the sign, we must begin to move very carefully to cross (or turn onto) the road, especially if visibility from priority vehicles is limited.

Otherwise, if we do not stop our vehicle completely, there is a high risk of frightening the driver of the vehicle that has priority. The reaction of another driver can even lead to an accident (making an instinctive maneuver due to fear or sudden braking), especially if it is a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, etc.

All of the above should be very well understood by all future drivers taking theoretical and practical courses, and this is also the activity that examiners expect during the practical part of the exam.

If the examinee fails to bring the vehicle to a complete stop at every stop sign in front of him, the examiners will fail him on the first unsuccessful attempt without saying a word.

In any case, the driver on the priority road must always pay attention, drive reasonably and reduce speed, especially when driving in residential areas with narrow roads.

In addition to the sign mounted on a pole (see picture above), the word “STOP” may also be written on the road surface, informing the driver that he must stop before the solid white warning line that follows and is located immediately after the sign, usually across the entire width of the road.


Violating a STOP sign carries a fine of €700 and concurrent confiscation of the driver's license and vehicle registration plates for 20 days, plus nine demerit points.

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