July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The wild boars climbed into the front garden and walked around there as if nothing had happened

A herd of wild boars was spotted in one of the private houses located in Loutraki, which is a rather rare occurrence for the area.

As korinthostv.gr reports, the herd, consisting of three adult and seven young wild boars, wandered into the courtyard of a residential building, probably in search of food, but possibly also water. Wild animals entered the yard through the open entrance to the parking lot and, after taking a long walk, retreated, fortunately, without having time to cause much mischief.

But they very well could! According to information, wild boars leave behind broken greenhouses and dug up beds. Wild boars pester residents of villages and cities, preferring beds with strawberries and young potatoes to pasture. “I looked out the window – there were two huge boars standing there. There was a third, slightly smaller one to the side. And then I saw seven little minke whales running inside the yard,” says a resident of the house.

Townspeople and villagers are forced to defend themselves: they build barricades from tires and barbed wire. The dominance of wild boars forced local residents to resort to the most sophisticated methods of scaring them away. These include all kinds of “rattles” made from cans and bottles, reflective elements from CDs and extravagant stuffed animals.


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