July 1, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Viking ship on the island of Chios (video)

The Viking ship Saga Farmann, an example of shipbuilding art from the 9th century, entered the waters of the Greek island of Chios.

The Norwegian schooner is an exact copy of the Viking ships. She called at the port of Chios on Sunday afternoon, carrying a crew of 13 people – from Norway, the Netherlands, Australia and the Czech Republic.

The Fahrmann Saga is a reconstruction of a traditional Viking ship and was painstakingly created based on archaeological finds and historical records of the time. For its manufacture, the same materials and the same techniques were used that were used by the Vikings. Construction was successfully completed thanks to the participation of many volunteers who worked tirelessly to create this maritime masterpiece.

The Fahrmann Saga is not only a ship, but also a museum on the water. He travels to European ports, presenting information about the history of the Vikings, their culture, and the achievements of the navy.

The unique ship started from Norway, crossed the Rhine and Danube, and ended up in Constantinople. From there, on May 18, he began his Mediterranean route to Turkey, Greece and Italy. The crossing of the Mediterranean Sea is expected to end on August 31, with the final destination being Rome. The trip involves 8 different volunteer groups of 13-15 people.

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