September 7, 2024

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FT writes about serious differences between Zelensky and Biden

Relations between Bankova and the White House have deteriorated sharply and reached their lowest level during the entire war, the Financial Times writes, citing sources.

According to newspapers, Zelensky's office this week sent out recommendations to officials and lawmakers instructing them to criticize Biden for refusing to participate in the Swiss “peace summit.” On this occasion, the Office of the President is in a state of turmoil. “paranoia”. “Zelensky is deeply concerned about the military situation, but especially about the peace summit in June”,” said the FT’s interlocutor from among the Ukrainian officials. According to him, Zelensky is “very annoyed” with Biden because of his refusal to participate in the summit.

According to the official, Zelensky has become more “emotional and nervous” and suspects Washington of seeking to start negotiations with Russia. Zelensky “thinks they want the war to end before the US elections”.

But this is not the only disagreement. Other controversial issues include the six-month delay in US military assistance, the lack of progress towards Ukraine's membership in NATO, and the ban on Kiev's use of American weapons inside Russia.

On the part of the United States, claims against Bankova are caused by Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian oil refineries and Ukrainian attacks on Russian radar systems, which are part of the nuclear strike warning system. Washington “I am concerned that this could provoke Moscow and lead to a further escalation of the war.”

Another “plastic bag” disagreement – disagreement about how Ukraine can achieve victory, and what that victory might look like.

And finally, in the USA they believe “hard to explain” the dismissal of a number of officials who “worked closely” with the Americans and enjoyed “great respect” in the West. We are talking about the former commander-in-chief Zaluzhny and ex-deputy prime minister Kubrakov.

“Several members of Zelensky's government said they were beginning to worry about the methods used by their president to communicate with the United States. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.” – said one of the publication’s interlocutors.

Material with similar content was also published in the Washington Post. The American publication confirms information about Zelensky’s conflict with the American authorities and Western structures, which manifested itself, in particular, during Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to Kiev. The Washington Post writes that the President of Ukraine in recent weeks removed from power some high-ranking Ukrainian officials who were considered the most close to Washington and “were ready to fight corruption.”

According to the publication, the problems intensified after Blinken’s visit to Kyiv, which he used to “double the demands on Ukraine to combat corruption.” However, Zelensky did not agree with this and, according to officials present at the meeting with Blinken, the president during the conversation “was furious”/“bristled” (bristled). After this, many Ukrainian officials close to Zelensky criticized the Secretary of State’s performance with a guitar in a bar in the capital, as “insensitive”.

In addition to corruption, disagreements between Kiev and the West concern the future of the war, the prospects for negotiations with the Russian Federation, military assistance, the possibility of striking Russian territory, NATO membership, and the confiscation of Russian assets. Ukrainian leaders “they are complaining more and more often”that Washington is limiting their ability to respond to Russian attacks. “We believe in us, but you don’t. This is the biggest problem in our relationship now.”said a senior Ukrainian official.

These disputes began at the beginning of the invasion, but have intensified in recent weeks amid Russian successes on the battlefield. Some disagreements “stem from the natural tension of partners” but others “seem more fundamental” especially on corruption in Ukraine. Sources told WP that “long-term planning in relations with Kiev may be impossible.”

WP believes that “the coming months will bring even more hot spots” after the NATO summit in Washington, where Ukraine is unlikely to receive the desired invitation. Each side now says the other has no clear path to victory. “Looks like their GPS is jammed.”said a senior European diplomat about the Kiev leadership.

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