July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Patmos: Stray cats doused with acid

Volunteers with Animal Lovers of Patmos are reporting cats with acid wounds that are not an accident, but the result of a deliberate act.

At the same time, more than half of the cats disappeared. The organization said in a statement, quotes CNN Greece:

“Some time ago we were informed of a cat with burns in Meloye. We went and picked him up and, under the direction of the veterinarian, gave her first aid. The girl who called us took care of her treatment and maintenance until recovery. The vet said it was not an accident and the existence of other cats with similar injuries confirms this.”

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Residents of Patmos are upset by the cruelty of acid attacks on cats. The animals that were the target of the attack were taken to a veterinary clinic, and their photos posted in social networks.

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