June 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

New challenge from the Turks: they raised 2 banners with inscriptions "Get rid of the Greeks" And "Istanbul since 1453"

Fenerbahçe's Turkish fans are showing some very provocative behavior: they posted a photo on social media outside Berlin's Uber Arena, where the EuroLeague Final Four will be held, showing them holding a banner that reads “Istanbul since 1453” with the word “Istanbul” crossed out. .

They also had a banner with a figure of Muhammad on it that said: “Let’s defeat the Greeks in Berlin”!


It is noted that previously Fenerbahçe fans staged incidents against the Panathinaikos basketball team and its coach Ergin Ataman. Last night Panathinaikos arrived at the hotel in Berlin, and Fenerbahçe fans gathered in the street and cursed Ataman!

In particular, some Fenerbahçe fans remained in the square after greeting the Turkish team and, while the Trifilio delegation disembarked from the bus, shouted slogans against the “greens” and specifically against Ercin Ataman. There were also conflicts with Matias Lesor, who was held back by his teammates.

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