September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The State Council has authorized the operation of minibuses on the Greek islands

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The Greek Council of State has given the green light to operate minibuses, especially on the islands.

The State Council acquitted companies operating in the minibus rental industry, mainly on the islands, and using uber bv technology, since the corresponding decision of the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport dated May 15, 2023 was canceled.

Companies operating in the minibus rental sector have appealed to the Council of State and asked to annul the decision of the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure No. 154785/2023, which defines the rules for the general rental of cars with a driver through pre-booking and the obligation of those who use uber bv contracts to place information in a digital register no less than 2 hours before the start of the contract, as unconstitutional and illegal.

The EC's decision was taken based on Law No. 4093/2012, which allows travel agencies and car rental agencies to rent minibuses with driver by pre-booking up to 9 seats (including the driver) for a fee. Owners of these vehicles are prohibited from soliciting customers while driving or in a parking lot. These vehicles serve the transport needs of the islands during the summer season, with the exception of the islands of Crete and Evia.

State advisers emphasized that the need for a restriction on the implementation of relevant activities in order to achieve the pursued goal is not justified. Finally, the Council of State rejected the application of the Panhellenic Federation of Professional Taxi Drivers and Car Owners in favor of the validity of the contested ministerial decision.

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