September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

ΔΥΠΑ: applications for participation in children's camps have begun – beneficiaries and criteria

Submission of applications for participation in the competition began on May 1 “Program for placing children in children’s camps for 2024” 024) State Employment Service (ΔΥΠΑ).

The program is designed for 70,000 vouchers for children 6-16 years old and will run from June 15 to September 10 for typically developing children and until September 20 for children with 50% or more disabilities. The total budget is 35 million euros. The maximum duration of stay is 15 consecutive days (including days of arrival and departure), and in the camps operating in the fire-affected municipalities of Istia – Edipsos and Mantoudiou – Lini – Ag. Anna and in the camps of the Thessaly region, stays can last up to 30 consecutive days.

The 2024 program increases the participation of vulnerable children and also includes disabled people and single parents, while for the first time rewarding those who have not participated in the program in the past and those who have applied within the last 2 years but have not received a voucher .


Beneficiaries of the program are parents or guardians of beneficiary children who are:

  • employees with dependent private-legal labor relations at the end of the application period;
  • insured by eEΦKA in their professional category with contributions to the department DYPA for unemployment at any time in the period from 01/01/2023 to the day before the deadline for filing applications;
  • unemployed persons with a continuous period of unemployment of at least three months as of the deadline for filing applications.

The income of beneficiaries of all categories must not exceed 30,000 euroswith the exception of long-term unemployed, who in case of divorce or marriage must have an income of up to 16,000 euros or 24,000 euros respectively, plus 5,000 euros for each child, and in the case of single parents – up to 29,000 euros, plus 5,000 euros for each child ( after the first one).

Applications are submitted exclusively online through the Unified Digital Portal of Public Administration ( using TAXISnet codes at the following address:

Registration procedure: Αρχική – Εργασία και ασφάλιση – Κατασκηνώσεις – Προγράμματα κατασκηνώσεων Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας Απασχόλησης ΔΥΠΑ.

The platform will be open for applications for participation in the program until 23:59 on May 12

The selection of beneficiaries is carried out based on the priority of specific criteria (disabled, single parents, number of children, income, non-participation in previous programs) on an objective and transparent basis using the ΔΥΠΑ Integrated Information System (IIS). Please note that workers and unemployed workers who receive subsidies for their children to attend any other agency's camp program for 2024 are not eligible to participate in this program.

Beneficiaries receive a subsidy for the stay of their children in a children's camp included in the register of service providers of ΔΥΠΑ by receiving a voucher for accommodation in the camp, which takes the form of a unique electronic code number.

Supporting documents related to eligibility requirements or beneficiary ratings are requested at our sole discretion. In cases where supporting documents are required because they cannot be searched automatically, they must be attached to the application. Beneficiaries must list all of their minor children on their applications, not just those for whom they are asking for a check, for weighting purposes.

Program providers are individuals or legal entities of public or private law who carry out entrepreneurial activities and support the business of children's camps in Greece in accordance with current legislation. Starting this year, suppliers from the previous year will be automatically included in the supplier register, provided they update their participation documents.

Applications for participation and updating of supporting documents are submitted exclusively online through the Unified Digital Portal of Public Services ( using codes TAXISnet at the following address:

The order is: μόσιας Υπηρεσίας Απασχόλησης ΔΥΠΑ.

For further information on the terms and conditions, interested parties may visit the DYPA website at:

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