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Second anniversary of the liberation of Bucha: ambassadors attended commemorative events, and the Russian Foreign Ministry sent a statement (video)

On March 31, ambassadors of some countries visited Bucha and paid tribute to the Ukrainians who died here; foreign ministers expressed condolences on social networks. And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation demands the arrest of the head of the SBU Vasily Malyuk.

On the second anniversary of the liberation of the city, writes “European Truth”, together with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, visited Bucha with US Ambassador Bridget Brink, German Ambassador Martin Jäger, and Italian Ambassador Francesco Zazo. They honored memory of the dead in the city and in the northern regions of Ukraine, which were under occupation at the beginning of a full-scale war. The German Ambassador noted:

“The presence of us ambassadors is evidence that the international community supports Ukraine. For crimes in Bucha there must be responsibility.”

Austrian Ambassador Arad Benkö stated:

“Here and in many other places, the Russian military committed war crimes. Austria's position is absolutely clear: those responsible must be brought to justice. There should be no impunity, including for the crime of aggression.”

On the anniversary of the liberation of the Kyiv suburbs, a message was published by the British Foreign Office, writing that the liberation of Bucha was the first discovery of the horrific crimes of the occupiers against the civilian population:

“Today we stand next to Ukraine in remembering the victims of this tragedy.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Bilström joined this tweet, adding: “We will not forget.”

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry statedthat traces of “all” terrorist attacks against the Russian Federation recently, including terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk March 22, allegedly leading to Ukraine, so it demands the extradition of those involved in these events and the head of the SBU Vasily Malyuk for blowing up the Crimean Bridge:

“The bloody terrorist act that took place on March 22 in Krasnogorsk and shocked the whole world is not the first terrorist attack against our country in recent times. The investigative actions carried out by the Russian competent authorities indicate that the traces of all these crimes lead to Ukraine. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russia submitted to the Ukrainian authorities demands within the framework of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism for the immediate arrest and extradition of all persons involved in these terrorist attacks.Among these demands is the arrest of the head of the SBU Vasily Malyuk, who cynically recognized the organization on March 25 Ukraine blew up the Crimean Bridge in October 2022 and revealed details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation.”

The Foreign Ministry even threatened that “Ukraine’s violation of its obligations under anti-terrorism conventions will entail its international legal responsibility.” However, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s message does not mention Russia’s responsibility for the war against Ukraine.

The SBU commented on the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry:

“Trying to appeal to the norms of international law, the convention on the fight against terrorism, the Russian Foreign Ministry forgets that it is Putin who has officially been put on the international wanted list – he is expected in The Hague for the abduction of Ukrainian children. Statements about terrorism are especially cynical from the terrorist country itself against the backdrop of the anniversary “The liberation of Bucha and the atrocities that the Russians committed there. In fact, the Russian Federation can make only one statement worthy of attention: to declare to the whole world its defeat in the war and the withdrawal of troops from Ukrainian soil.”

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