July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis from Odessa: "We heard sirens and then an explosion"

Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

“For us, this is the best reminder that there is a real war going on here.”said the Prime Minister in a joint statement with Vladimir Zelensky.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited Odessa today (6/3), where he met with the President of Ukraine.

“I thank the Greek Prime Minister for having the courage to come here and thank you for your support,” – these were the words of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in his joint statements with Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Odessa a few hours after a Russian ballistic missile hit a convoy with their cargo.

Mitsotakis: We heard sirens and then explosion

Kyriakos Mitsotakis also addressed this issue in a subsequent interview, saying: “We were given a tour of the port […]. When we heard the sirens, shortly after, as we were walking to our cars, explosion. For us, this is the best reminder that there is a real war going on here. Every day. Which affects not only the front.”


“We regret Russia’s actions”
“Thank you for your welcome, I express my sincere condolences regarding the bombing of urban complexes. We express our disgust at Russian actions that lead to the death of civilians, small children and even infants.”, said Kyriakos Mitsotakis. He stressed that he was impressed by the picture of destruction on the one hand, but also by the image of resilience and courage on the other. “I am doubly touched that I am in a city that is a monument to world civilization. The friendly society has lit the flame of national independence under the slogan “Freedom or Death”– he said.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

Mitsotakis: Odessa is a vital center of Hellenism

Kyriakos Mitsotakis stated that Odessa is the most important center of Hellenism. “I had the pleasure of meeting the Greek people who are fighting against the Russian invasion.” The Prime Minister spoke about the dual ties uniting the two states and their shared historical path. Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized that the entire free world respects the Ukrainian people and provides them with full support in their just struggle to protect their territory and their rights.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

“In the 21st century, no war can bleed the heart of Europe. My country rejects this incredible revisionism! Authoritarianism is a black spot on the map of history,” – he said.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis mentioned aid to Ukraine, saying that “this is assistance for which 100 billion euros are provided from EU and 50 billion euros over the next 4 years. A month ago we organized a special conference with the European Bank on the reconstruction of Ukraine, – he said. – N“Our ports are our main weapon.” Alexandroupoli-Odessa is one of the highest priority areas. We support your European and Euro-Atlantic perspective.”

“Greece will continue to support Ukraine, and Hellenism will always be here, as our common history wants”the Greek Prime Minister also said.

Zelensky: We don’t have time

Vladimir Zelensky emphasized that the Russians strike civilians every day: “We don’t have time and the armed forces can’t shoot down all the drones”. The President of Ukraine thanked the international community and noted that he had informed the Prime Minister about Ukraine’s military needs. “I reported how we can strengthen security in the Black Sea and protect Ukrainian cities”– he said.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

He also emphasized: “We need to protect the infrastructure, museums, hospitals, schools, we need to work, we need to do this work together, Greece and Ukraine need to increase our economic power to create new jobs.”.

“Putin must lose the ability to finance terrorism”

The President of Ukraine also thanked the Prime Minister of Greece for his support and participation in the Peace Summit. He also called for a reduction in Russia’s economic power. “Putin must miss the opportunity to finance terrorism. We must strengthen the international criminal court and fight disinformation.”he said, concluding by once again thanking Greece for its support.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

According to Megaro Maximo, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited Odessa today, where he met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. First, the Prime Minister visited the city port, where he was received by the Ukrainian President, and got acquainted with the work of the grain export corridor through the Black Sea and the Danube.

Then Kyriakos Mitsotakis went to the Odessa port administration building, where he had a tete-a-tete meeting with Vladimir Zelensky. After this, a meeting was held with the participation of delegations from the two countries. During the talks, the Greek Prime Minister reaffirmed his continued support for Ukraine, as well as his strong support for its European and Euro-Atlantic prospects.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized Greece’s readiness to assist in the reconstruction of Ukraine with an emphasis on Odessa, a city of particular historical and cultural significance for our country. Other areas of cooperation were also discussed, for example in the energy sector, where Greece plays an important role in the operation of the southern supply corridor to Europe and is developing a vertical connectivity corridor to better meet the needs of the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

Immediately after this, the leaders of the two countries went to a residential complex that was damaged several days ago, resulting in the death of 12 civilians, including five children, where they laid flowers at the memorial in honor of the victims.


Photos provided by the press service of the Prime Minister of Greece

The Prime Minister then visited the Museum of the Society of Friends, located in the old residence of the national philanthropist Gregory Marasli, and laid a wreath at the monument erected in the courtyard of the museum in honor of the three founders of the Society of Friends – Nikolaos Skoufas, Afanasy Tsakalov and Emmanuel Xanthos.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis even had the opportunity to interact with the Greek diaspora and expatriates who had gathered to welcome him to the museum.

“I wanted to come to Odessa specifically, we were able and found a way to coordinate our programs with President Zelensky to let you know that we are next to you, we support Ukraine, but we also support you in the fight that you are waging to preserve their Greek roots. I am very touched by the opportunity to meet you and I think that we are all shocked by the tragedy, especially of Mariupol Hellenism. We want to do our best to put these difficult moments behind us and look to the future with greater optimism. I Thank you very much for finding the strength to come here today and I wish you all the best.” – said the Prime Minister.

“All of Europe supports Ukraine’s struggle for freedom and independence. And of course Greece cannot but participate in this struggle,” – added Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

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