July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Power steering warns about "Maidan-3"

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reveals details of the Maidan-3 disinformation campaign.

GRU representative Andrei Yusov emphasized that it is necessary to be vigilant and attentive to information that will be disseminated by anonymous sources. He warned that the enemy is ready to spend a large sum on the implementation of this anti-Ukrainian campaign.

According to the plan, the “Maidan-3” disinformation campaign should proceed in the form of manipulation and escalation of the situation by mobilization and decisions of the Ukrainian authorities. Andrey Yusov warns:

“Betrayal”, “shame”, and many other words that we all know well, and which will be used in different contexts: these are attempts to disrupt the measures of the mobilization campaign, this is an attempt to delegitimize the decisions of the Ukrainian authorities and, in general, attempts to undermine the situation within the country, undermining our international coalition and the use of the same Russian narratives, but not always directly. This can happen in many ways.”

He emphasized the need to be as picky as possible about information that will be disseminated by anonymous sources. There may be manipulations on the most sensitive topics, in particular the treatment of prisoners of war. Yusov explains:

“This is not just one topic, it is a parallel intensification of a number of conflict events within the country. This is the intensification of internal divisions using traditional propaganda narratives. We see that recently propaganda has again been paying a lot of attention, in particular, to internal Ukrainian political events.”

When asked whether procedural actions are taking place against those people who should be involved in the implementation of this anti-Ukrainian campaign, Yusov replied:

“Counterintelligence activities in Ukraine continue constantly and do not stop. And the Security Service of Ukraine, and the security and defense sector in general, are certainly working on this. As for specific names, yes, Kiriyenko, Surkov, it is clear that all collaborators and traitors whom sheltered… Muscovy, will be involved in this one way or another. Unfortunately, there are also names of those people who are on the territory of Ukraine. As objects of influence. This does not mean that they have already given consent. This information is being verified and clarified.”

According to a GRU representative, the Russians are ready to spend a considerable amount of money on the implementation of the Maidan-3 disinformation campaign. More than $250 million was spent to promote propaganda stamps on the Telegram network. The objectives of operations aimed at the Ukrainian audience are to split society, demoralize resistance, demotivate to resist invaders, as well as strengthen and shift the emphasis on internal contradictions before external aggression.

Earlier, on February 27, the Intelligence Committee under the President of Ukraine warned Ukrainians about Russia’s large-scale special operation in the country called “Maidan-3”. Yusov said that the Russian Federation is now planning to recruit or has already recruited some Ukrainian citizens to promote Russian narratives and prepare the so-called “Maidan-3” operation. However, the RUR has a list of these probable agents.

The purpose of the special operation, the peak of which is predicted for the spring, is to split Ukrainian society in order to defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the east, writes publication “Correspondent”. President Vladimir Zelensky previously announced that Russia has a plan to destabilize Ukraine called “Maidan-3”. According to him, Moscow wants to split Ukrainian society, creating “chaos” in order to eventually remove him from the post of head of state.

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