July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Threats and violence at Volos school

A new episode of informal relationships in Greek schools – under the threat of violence, a minor in Volos confessed to his father of extortion from his peers.

Yesterday morning, two students from another gymnasium were looking for him, coming to school to sort things out after the teenager’s father filed a police report. For some time, they extorted money from the boy, allegedly for gambling, in which they regularly participated. For some time he gave them money taken from home, but the amount they demanded gradually increased and reached 500-600 euros, the teenager was forced to admit what was happening to his parents, writes magnesenews.gr.

According to the publication, two peers accused the student of spreading information that they were gambling. They showed up at his school, looking for a teenager who had managed to hide, when in fact there was a policeman there. Witness statements, which were not corroborated, stated that they were holding a sharp object in their hands. They managed to escape and the police have not yet detained them.

The Ministry of Education was notified of the incident.

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