February 17, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rent subsidy: beneficiaries and criteria, what are the amounts?

At a time when rental prices are skyrocketing, many people across the country are searching for rental subsidy eligibility criteria to see if they qualify.

According to OPEKAthe amount of housing subsidy is determined as follows:

  • For the recipient: 70 euros per month.
  • For each additional family member – 35 euros per month.

A minor child is taken into account as an adult – both when calculating income criteria and when calculating income.

The chosen gradation places emphasis on the child with the obvious purpose of promoting fertility, while special conditions are provided for single-parent families and families with vulnerable children.

  • In an incomplete family, an additional payment of 70 euros per month is established for the first minor family member.
  • In families with vulnerable children, an additional payment of 70 euros per month is established for each vulnerable child.

It should be noted that the maximum amount of rental allowance is set at 210 euros per monthregardless of household composition.

Income criteria for receiving rental allowance:

To receive rental benefit or OPEKA housing benefit, the criteria are income, assets and place of residence.

A) Income

Total income must not exceed 7,000 euros for a one-person household and increase by 3,500 euros for each additional household member.

In the case of an incomplete family, the first minor member of the household is entitled to supplement of 7,000 euros. In households with vulnerable children, an increase in 7,000 euros are set for each vulnerable child.

Total income cannot exceed 21,000 euros per year, regardless of household composition.

Please note that the rental subsidy income threshold does not include child benefit, non-contributory disability benefit and foster care benefits. Otherwise, as usual, the actual or imputed income from all sources – before taxes and after deducting social security contributions – received by all household members and reported on the most recent adjusted income tax return is taken into account.

In addition, housing benefit is not taxed, is not considered income, is not confiscated and is not taken into account when determining the amount of the benefit or the income limit for the payment of the minimum guaranteed income and child benefit.

B) Ownership criteria

1) Real estate:

The total taxable value of a household’s real estate cannot exceed 120,000 euros for a householdconsisting of one person, increased by 15,000 euros for each additional member and up to 180,000 euros.

2) Property presumption:

The total amount of interest received on the deposits of household members in Greece or abroad, as shown in the latest adjusted income statement (E1), cannot annually exceed the amount received according to the following formula:

Annual interest = deposit limit for each household type * average annual deposit rate /100

The contribution limits for each type of household are as follows (including deposits, stocks, bonds, etc.); they cannot exceed €7,000 for a single-person household, plus €3,500 for each additional household member.

In the case of an incomplete family, a supplement of 7,000 euros is established for the first minor member of the household. In households with vulnerable children, a supplement of 7,000 euros is established for each vulnerable child.

Applications from households whose members, according to the latest updated income declaration, are not eligible to receive benefits:

  • are subject to the luxury living tax provisions,
  • declare expenses for paying the crew of pleasure boats,
  • declare expenses exceeding 1,500 euros for tuition fees in private schools,
  • declare expenses for domestic servants, car drivers, teachers and other personnel as indicated in the relevant codes of Form E1.

C) Residence criteria

The recipient of the benefit must have been legally and permanently resident in Greece for the last 5 years prior to the submission of the application, as evidenced by the filing of income tax returns for those years or any other relevant documentary evidence, and provided that the income statements were filed during the year, in which set a deadline for their submission.

Third country nationals, excluding expatriates and nationals of member countries EU, must have been legally and permanently resident in Greece for the 12 years preceding the submission of the application. The remaining family members must also reside legally and permanently in Greece.

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