July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Farmers’ strike in Farsal: the streets were pelted with corn and flooded with milk

Today at noon a large rally took place in the city of Farsala, organized by farmers this area, which are blocking the E65 highway in Karditsa.

Farmers from Ioannina held a protest at noon in front of the OPEKEPE building. At the same time, together with farmers from Thesprotia, they will open toll barriers on Egnatia Odos. At four o’clock in the afternoon, for one hour, they will close the Florina-Thessaloniki road at the Filotas intersection. Today’s mobilization in Farsal was attended by farmers, livestock breeders, beekeepers, institutions and ordinary citizens of the province, and farmers’ representatives gave speeches.

“Our demands are fair and the prime minister must fulfill them,” – says the President of the Union of Federation of Agricultural Associations Larisa Rizos Maroudas. Farmers “invaded” into the city on their tractors, which they lined up in the central square, leaving their engines and sirens on as a sign of protest.

Farmers symbolically scattered milk, hay and corn, to highlight their complaints about low purchasing prices for products. At the general meeting, farmer representatives informed producers about their further actions. Farmers are keeping their tractor engines running ahead of Tuesday’s meeting with the Prime Minister to determine their future position. At the same time, the government is looking for opportunities for an earlier refund of the excise tax on diesel fuel or part of it to farmers.


Nine Key Pointswhich are the main demands of the farmers, as formulated at the national meeting of all farmers of the country, which took place in Nicaea and was sent to the Prime Minister, relate to the reduction of production costs, the refusal to introduce and revise the new KAP, changes in the regulation of ΕΛΓΑ and compensation for 100% of the damage , food prices covering production costs and infrastructure projects to protect the country from floods.

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